Global Impact Team

“Go and make disciples of all nations.” Matthew 28:19

At Emmanuel, we love to serve our neighbours. We send teams throughout North America and across the world. If you are partnering with an organization or if you are interested in being a part of a team that Emmanuel sends out, we would love to connect with you!

If you have any questions about volunteering or would like to know more about our Global Impact Team and its ministry, please get in touch with us using the button below!

Short-Term Ministry

Short-term outreach teams and individuals play a vital role at Emmanuel. These teams offer meaningful support to our long-term missionaries worldwide, helping bring hope and encouragement across the globe. It’s a powerful way to love and live like Jesus!

Our members have made an impact in places like Germany, Ukraine, Bolivia, Thailand, and beyond.

If you’re interested in making a difference in this way, contact the church at 204.326.9865.

If you have plans to go on a short-term outreach trip and are seeking support, please fill out an application using the button below.

Long-Term Ministry

Emmanuel supports career missionaries throughout the world both financially and in prayer. We support missionaries in Bolivia, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Brazil, Ukraine, Canada, and the United States. 

Our career missionaries minister within a variety of missions organizations – Ethnos 360, Youth for Christ, Youth With a Mission, Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission, World Team, and many others.

Summer Bursaries

Emmanuel’s Global Impact Team encourages everyone to get involved and make a difference. We realize service is the first step in a journey to embrace the Great Commission and a defining moment in many lives.

To encourage summer ministry, the GIT offers weekly support for those that complete and submit a Summer Ministry Support application and then provide a report once the term has ended.